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My Story

6 min read

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    Christopher Morales

Nameless King

In the universe, one song, unheard, How do you pray when bleeding so deep? Swords pierce my chest, scars etched in pain, I call out to God, but where is He now? Friends, family, shadows fade, Locked in a room, water rises— Where can I throw the flood?

I am alone, drowning in this silence, No knock, no voice, no rescue comes. How do you pray when you're just a tool, Emotionless, lost, a soul without song? Why do I feel so sad, so out of place? The desert stretches, no well in sight, Life a terrible dream, longing to wake.

I see puzzles shattered, just as they form, Motivation fades, blood drains away. The least expected came, but too late, Voices of mockers, accusers, the wind. The sun hides its face, the storm rages on, Who can tell my fake smile from the real?

In The Mirror

In the mirror, I see an old reflection, Scars are my memories, a gaping hole remains. How do you teach a peach seed to be a mango tree? Forgotten by the world, by those I hold dear. My heart cries out, unheard, unseen, A silent storm, raging within.

The past haunts my every breath, Each day, a battle against myself. Why can't I connect, why do I fail? The church, the school, two different worlds, One cold, the other warm, yet both are distant.

Is it wrong to wish for death's sweet release? What is passion, when it's lost in the void? The salt has lost its flavor, A life taking up space, meaningless, A voice drowned in the noise of the world.

But still, I hold on, to the smallest love, A love that does not judge, that forgives. Who will hear my nameless song? A song of truth, of pain, of longing. I am here, lost in this vastness, But still, I sing, hoping to be heard, Hoping for a light to guide me home.

Veil of Silence

Beneath the pain and chaos, a presence found me, Gently dismantling the walls I'd built, Her touch, a fleeting calm in a storm, The sea, once raging, now lay still. I believed the tempest had passed, But like a thief in the night, she was gone, Leaving no trace, no whisper, no farewell. I hold my words close, but they ache to be spoken.

I entrusted her with the fragile parts of me, She swore never to leave, But now, only silence lingers, A silence that pierces deeper than any word. Was this the design from the start? Did the care ever run true? The quiet is loud, It echoes with questions that have no answers.

Was I merely a fleeting shadow, A momentary pause in her endless path? It’s hard to grasp how someone who felt so real Could dissolve like mist in the morning sun. I thought our bond was forged in truth, Yet now, I’m left with a hollow space, A void that defies understanding.

I laid my trust at her feet, Unveiled the vulnerabilities I guard so well, Believing she would cradle them with care. Now, I stand bare, uncertain, Wondering if the depth I saw was ever there, Or if I was simply lost in my own illusions.

Echoes of the Past, Shadows of the Self

No walls to shelter, no ground to claim, Where linger now the foes of yesterday? Where are the voices that echoed my end, Now silent as the dusk meets the dawn? Those I called family, their shadows fade, Yet still, I send them silent wishes on the wind. A void remains, a quiet, unspoken ache— Was it destiny's weave, or merely chance?

How does one sift the true from the grain? In the heart's deep well, where trust once lived, I keep their deeds, a memory's soft glow, But for those who feigned to stand by me, I offer blessings, yet build no bridge anew.

No vengeance sought, no bitter seed sown, For those who carved their mark in me. The wind lifts me, a leaf on its breath, As the waters calm and the sun's light spreads. The earth lies still, the day yet unwritten.

Alone in this home, but in freedom's grasp, Yet in this vastness, I find I'm lost. Purpose eludes, a shadow in the depths— I stare into the lake's mirrored gaze, And see the old self, unchanged, staring back.

Adrift in the Wake

Rescued, yet I remain set apart, A sheep blackened by labels, Marked by the minds of those who should know. First to climb the unseen ladder, From diploma to degrees in circuits and codes, I've built dreams from wire and spark, Finished the race, accepted the prize, A job with golden trappings, far from what I sought. Yet joy slips through my grasp, leaving a hollow.

I wander in the void, purpose a distant echo, Drifting in a sea without a current, The mind lost in endless loops, As voices praise what they cannot see, The emptiness beneath the surface of success. I float on waters unknown, Waiting for a light that never comes, The darkness thick, the rain a distant murmur, An endless symphony of drops on a silent sea.

Who will hear the voice lost in this storm? Who will find the figure adrift, unseen? Who will steer me to solid ground? Who will offer a hand, willing to pull me ashore? For all I've achieved, for all the honors given, I am still bound by a weight unseen, A worth that fades with each passing wave.

Veil of Success

Do you wish to wear my crown? Where the weight of praise and titles clings, A job revered, a degree in hand, Sought after, a beacon in others’ storms. They say I’ve altered their course, That without me, something precious would fade. Yet here I stand, in the shadows, Abandoned by the light they see in me, Hated by the silence that echoes within.

This emptiness, a chasm no achievement fills, I reach, I strive, but the void remains, A hollow echo in the depths of my soul. Do you still crave this life? It’s a curse, draped in the guise of success, A burden masked by the envy of those outside.

To be continued . . .

© 2024 Christopher Morales